How to Bring Customers Back to Your Ecommerce Store

Running an eCommerce store requires ongoing maintenance, support, and action — and bringing back eCommerce customers is a big part of that. Your store grows when people keep coming back, and while return eCommerce customers will depend on whether your product or service is popular, it also depends on your online marketing efforts.

Customer Retention for Ecommerce Is Important and Easier Than You Think

Many business owners are often fixated on bringing new eCommerce customers to their store. After all, new customers usually bring in more money to help you run your eCommerce store. But prospective consumers are just one part of the eCommerce store: customer retention is an excellent and often more effective way to drive sales and develop your brand.

While it might seem like an impossible task, it only takes a few minor improvements to see results.

Comrade solves these challenges every day,  helping clients grow their business, bring in new customers, and bring back eCommerce customers. We do that through the following methods.

Tips to Bring Customers Back to Your Store

Strategies, such as email marketing for eCommerce and effective promotions, are excellent ways to increase your store’s retention of customers – decreasing acquisition costs while increasing revenue.

1. Figure Out Why Your Ecommerce Customers Leave

If you’re not tracking data, you need to start now. By understanding when customers leave your website, you can figure out more clearly what problem they ran into. Did they leave at checkout? Did a web page contain a broken link? Was shipping expensive? How high is your cart abandonment rate?

These are questions data help you answer, and having a better understanding of why customers leave will enable you to ensure future ones stay.

2. Make Your Ecommerce Store Client-Oriented to Return Customers

Comrade sees what customers love about your site and what they don’t like. We then reshape your website to focus on the customer’s positive and engaging experience.

Client Oriented Ecommerce

3. Return Your Customers by Giving More Information Than Your Competitors

When your site offers more information than your competitors, customers have reason to trust you and to return. We’ll help you give customers the information they need to make informed buying decisions.

4. Improve Technical SEO of Your Ecommerce Store

If you timed how fast it took for your website to load, how long would it take? Given that 5 in 10 mobile users will leave a website if it takes longer than three seconds to load, search engine optimization (SEO) is extremely important.

Technical SEO revolves around website optimization, which ensures search engines can easily navigate your website. Focusing on this ranks your website higher when people search for things, which helps drive organic traffic and makes it easier for buyers to convert again.

5. Offer Loyalty Programs for Your Ecommerce Clients

According to a report by Forrester Research, loyalty program members spend $42.33 more than those not in one. Customers enjoy the attention from the program, and businesses benefit from additional sales. Many companies offer exclusive perks, discounts, and free items to loyalty program members because their lifetime value is so high.

By developing a program, customers have a reason to keep buying from you.

User Friendly Ecommerce

6. Offer Different Promotions and Incentives

Sometimes, previous buyers just need a little kick to purchase again, which usually comes through promotions and incentives. Not only are they helpful to incentivize purchases, but they are also highly flexible: you can use them in email marketing or really anywhere on your website.

Consider offering free shipping if a prospective customer adds more than a certain amount of items to their cart or adding discounts for those purchasing in bulk.

7. Use Digital Marketing Channels to Return Customers Back

Digital marketing channels remind customers you’re around and make them reconnect with your brand. Use all marketing channels to be connected with your customers, create video content, send emails, or finally create a TikTok profile for your brand.

8. Employ an Email Marketing Campaign

Email campaigns are a tried-and-true marketing strategy for a good reason: they work. From repurchase offers to “we miss you” campaigns, email marketing is one of the most cost-effective forms of digital marketing.

Aside from offering promotions and perks, email campaigns are also a great medium to get feedback. Maybe customers stopped buying from you because they had a problem with shipping. This is an excellent opportunity to gain useful information and show you want to listen to your customers, which will incentivize them to purchase again.

Ecommerce Email Marketing

9. Interact with Your Customers on Social Media

Remember when Wendy’s went viral for offering a customer a lifetime supply of chicken nuggets? The company ended up with over 330 million social impressions alone, and it had little to do with customer service and everything to do with digital marketing.

Wendy’s is just one of many examples that demonstrate the benefits of interacting with your customers on social media, which stems from social media marketing (SMM). From replying to comments to featuring user-generated content, you can develop these customers into long-time fans of your brand because of their more intimate connection to you.

Facebook and Twitter

10. Consider Remarketing

Remarketing is a form of online advertising that lets your site target ads to people who have already visited your site. As a full-service digital marketing agency, we handle all of this.

Trust in Experts

While these are great first steps to increasing customer retention, consider hiring professionals such as the Comrade Digital Marketing Agency team to assist you in implementing these strategies, enabling you to turn one-time customers into lifetime ones!

About the Author
Stan co-founded Comrade Digital Marketing and serves as its marketing strategist and IT expert recruiter.
More Stan's articles
Stan Bogdashin

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