A Guide to Successful Home Improvement Digital Marketing

Unlock the potential of your home improvement business with our quickstart guide to digital marketing!

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Stan Bogdashin

By Stan Bogdashin

Stan co-founded Comrade Digital Marketing and serves as its marketing strategist and IT expert recruiter.
More Stan's articles

In 2020, the USA’s home improvement industry had a market value of $316.8 billion. Predictions indicate by 2030 this figure will double. It’s clear that every year, homeowners invest more money in property upgrades and renovations. Coupled with the fact that 81% of Americans have smartphones, there’s no doubt the number of customers online outweighs those you’ll attract locally.

Using home-improvement online marketing is cost-effective, measurable and the quickest means to directly reach potential customers. Internet marketing for contractors aids businesses in targeting specific audiences while also boosting their revenue. Our brief guide will get you on track to develop a results-driven digital marketing strategy.

DPS Plumber testimonial

Why Do You Need Home Improvement Digital Marketing?

Traditionally, businesses reached their target audience using television, radio, magazines, and direct mail. Now, because people spend more time online, companies need to reach potential customers through digital channels. Home improvement digital marketing allows businesses to engage with potential customers at every stage of the buyers’ funnel.

Analytic technology provides the data for home improvement companies to segment their target market and develops advertising campaigns with specific messaging for each customer segment. Essentially, it lets home improvement companies meet new customers directly where they are.

Do you Need to Hire a Home Improvement Marketing Agency?

At Comrade, companies that work with us see an average of 4.5x return on their marketing investment. However, when onboarding home improvement businesses new to digital marketing, we always stress home improvement digital marketing is a commitment requiring collaboration between the home improvement contractors and our marketing specialists. And, rest assured, any digital advertising agencies offering rapid cash injections from prospective customers in the next month are making false promises.

Pro-tip: When working with a digital marketing strategy development agency, be sure to ask them for a detailed one-year digital marketing strategy plan with budget breakdowns before paying the first check.

If you don’t understand something, ask them to explain until you do, so you’re on the same page. Our comprehensive digital marketing services provide search engine optimization (SEO), paid advertising, and social media marketing. We also continuously monitor and update your home improvement marketing to improve conversion rates and leads.

9 Best Digital Marketing Strategies for Home Improvement Businesses

home improvement digital marketing strategy
Good digital marketing for a home improvement contractor boosts brand awareness and helps home improvement companies reach their business goals. Here’s how:

1/9 strategy

1. Build a Well-Designed Home Improvement Website

An optimized website generates qualified leads because it ranks high on search engines’ result pages (SERPs). Before implementing SEO strategies, let’s start with basic web design strategies:

  • Clear communication — Contact details and home improvement services provided should be up-to-date.
  • User-friendly — The layout should be easy to navigate on desktop, tablet, and mobile.
  • Purposeful — Each page should serve a clear purpose aligned with your home improvement company goals.
  • Aesthetically pleasing — An attractive layout leaves a good first impression on potential customers.
  • Be responsive — Leads browse with their phones. Deliver world-class service and respond to customers within 24 hours or sooner.

Transform Your Online Presence


If you need more inspiration look at the best real estate websites.

2/9 strategy

2. Proper Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization, known as SEO, is the process of improving a site to increase its visibility when potential customers search online for products or services related to your home improvement company. It’s the foundation of all home improvement digital marketing strategies because sites with higher visibility in search engine results (SERPs) garner the most attention and receive more leads.

When you understand what your customers want from home improvement services, you can implement this knowledge across your website, advertising campaigns, and social media platforms to improve the quality and quantity of leads.

Comrade Digital Marketing Agency can help you with the above if you’re unsure how to go about it. Schedule a free consultation.

Local SEO for Home Improvement Digital Marketing

Local SEO gives home improvement companies a superb presence in their local niche market. Focusing on proximity, relevance, and prominence, helps them grow within a suburb, town, or city. Google realized that leads seeking certain businesses needed results from their immediate area. So Local SEO improves visibility on Google Maps and search engine results for those users seeking your services nearby.

When done right, local SEO allows people to find information about your business quickly and easily, putting them one step closer to a transaction. Holistic inbound marketing for home improvement incorporates on-page, off-page, technical and local SEO for the best results. You’ll still need to implement standard SEO strategies because Google reviews website content, social media pages, links, and citations when ranking businesses locally.

Uncover the secrets to dominating local search results in your area with our comprehensive guide to local SEO. Start optimizing today.

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3. A Well-Managed PPC Campaign

According to SEMrush, a pay-per-click ad is “an online advertising model where advertisers run ads that appear at the top of results pages on search engines.” Advertisers only pay if leads click on their paid ads. This type of home improvement ads provide a direct measure of digital marketing success.

Its precise procedure entails selecting specific keywords (phrases users search for online) to target. PPC campaigns then display the keywords leads use when searching for home improvement services, driving qualified leads and new customers to your business.

The difference between SEO and PPC is that traffic derived from SEO is free and organic, whereas PPC costs. However, it is still a cost-effective home improvement marketing strategy because you only pay when a user reaches your website, and you can select how much to spend and the demographics of your target audience.

Maximize your business potential with Pay-Per-Click advertising – explore our blog post to understand its benefits and start seeing instant results.

4/9 strategy

4. Social Media Marketing for Home Improvement Companies

Social media is an essential part of home improvement digital marketing. It helps remodeling services firms connect with customers, increase brand awareness, and boost new leads and sales. A home improvement company with a strong social media marketing strategy and presence connects and engages personally with its customers.

As it is, 74% of customers rely on social media to guide their purchasing decisions. Distinct from one-way digital marketing strategies, social media offers a two-way conversation, providing a place for customers to ask questions, make requests and recommend changes, all of which will grow your business.

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5. Content Marketing Solutions

More than 50% of users in the US have bought something after reading a blog. An effective home improvement content marketing efforts incorporate informative blogs to drive traffic, generate leads, and deepen knowledge of your business’s customer base. Digital marketing strategies revolve around a company’s website, and websites with more online traffic increase their conversion rates.

Blogging creates relevant content for customers that business owners can publish on social media. Prospective customers want to learn about products and services in-depth. Content blogging allows you to engage directly with your audience and answer common questions, increasing trust and boosting brand credibility.

Elevate your content strategy in 2024! Dive into our guide on effective content marketing techniques.

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6. Control Your Reputation

95% of customers read reviews before making a purchase. Over 67% of them won’t buy from brands that censor online reviews, so reputation management is crucial for home improvement marketing. A home improvement business with positive reviews and testimonials offers social proof of its high-quality work and customer satisfaction.

95% of customers read reviews before making a purchase

Digital marketing for home improvement contractors should include online reviews as part of the customer’s journey. Integrating feedback emails or asking customers to leave reviews on your social media pages after you’ve completed home improvements goes a long way in boosting credibility and awareness and impacting sales.

7/9 strategy

7. Keep in Touch

It’s tough for competitors to poach loyal customers. Keeping in touch builds brand loyalty and keeps customers interested. While it’s true that a home improvement business likely won’t perform remodeling services for customers regularly, it can still use email marketing to offer seasonal specials, upsell or build loyalty and referral programs.

Frequent communication with customers keeps a business top of mind, and you never know where their referrals may lead. One day, you’re servicing a residential house and the next you’re signing a contract with a property development company to improve their apartment blocks around the city.

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8. Invest in Customer Support

Boosting the bottom line is about selling. To market a home improvement business and sell its services, you need customers, and the best customers are those with whom you have a long-term relationship. Building these types of relationships relies on customer service. No doubt, businesses that fail to grasp the importance of customer service will lose revenue.

Customer service doesn’t have to be relegated to a rep on the other end of the line. You can provide excellent support through digital channels like chat, email, text, social media, and messaging apps. A top-tier digital marketing agency will help you integrate these features into your website and social media accounts.

9/9 strategy

9. Have a Proper Home Improvement Digital Marketing Budget

All these wonderful strategies and tactics cost money. How do you get the cash? Well, before that, you first need to find a digital marketing company that understands how you want to grow your business. Just a friendly reminder: Digital marketing is a process, and you don’t need to do everything at once.

Start with a professional web design that will effectively sell your business and convert visitors. Your site should be simple to use and navigate, showcase your services, display case studies and customer reviews, and substantiate why you’re the best company for the job without being cheesy.

Visitors to your site should be able to answer all their questions and concerns (for example, Can I afford it? Do they offer a guarantee? Should I trust them?) while browsing it with a feeling of “this is it!”

Home Improvement Marketing Budget Allocation Industry Standard
Website Design, Hosting and Maintenance >$5,000
Search engine Optimization (SEO) >$2,500 per month
Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC) >$2,000 per month

A decent website won’t cost less than $5,000 at the absolute minimum. To give you an idea why: SEO is the most effective long-term tool that delivers results after 3-4 months and costs at least $2500 per month. Now, think about the labor, strategy, content creation, and campaign monitoring still needed.

If your business can’t afford SEO, you can invest in PPC services or combine different packages from paid directories. Still, anything less than $2,000 per month will likely not be up to industry standards. So, start with the basics, like a good website, and implement home improvement digital marketing tactics when and as you can afford them.

Home Improvement Marketing Agencies Red Flags

Home Improvement Marketing Agencies Red Flags

Home improvement marketing companies are a dime a dozen, but not all are created equal. It’s also challenging for businesses with no marketing knowledge to ascertain whether they’re making a good investment, especially when industry jargon gets thrown in the mix. If a company or “marketing expert” displays the following red flags, you shouldn’t hire them. We repeat, you definitely should not hire them.

Random People

Every week, your phone rings, and it’s not a client. Instead, someone is offering home improvement digital marketing services like expert site design, search ads, more leads, yelp campaigns, an incredible conversion rate, and help with Angie’s list — you’ve probably heard them already!

If you have no idea who they are, and they sound like a telesales marketer that needs your cash, it’s probably a scammer offering sub-par services. Just remember that persistence doesn’t mean value or more leads. Always do your research and vet potential companies you want to work with.


Your friend refers you to a digital marketing guru. You meet with this genius, and he seems smart, but you’re not entirely sure how he will bring more customers to your business. You hire him and learn he uses Google to figure out how to post Facebook ads and execute poor ad campaigns, which is all he can really do. In 20% of cases, it will work; in 80% — not really.


You approach a bigger marketing agency. Home improvement is their game, and they seem reputable online, but their quote is five times higher than everyone else’s. Now, you’re not sure whom to turn to or how to proceed.

What to Do?

Find a company that specializes in your industry, offers a detailed marketing plan for a year (without asking you to pay for it), and will be able to work on your budget terms. Lastly, if you agree to work with them, they should also supply detailed analytics reports as part of their service, so you can monitor progress and tweak strategies to reach your business goals.

Generate Leads and Grow Your Home Improvement Business with Comrade

So, you want paid search ads or to rank higher in Google search results? Or, maybe you only need a website for now? Great! That’s an excellent start to getting more jobs. Comrade Digital Marketing is a full-service agency specializing in web development and home improvement digital marketing. Click here to learn how we can increase your website traffic, conversions, and sales.

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About the Author

Stan co-founded Comrade Digital Marketing and serves as its marketing strategist and IT expert recruiter.
More Stan's articles
Stan Bogdashin

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