SEO Audit Service

Optimize Your Company’s SEO With Help From a Top-Rated SEO Company in Chicago With Nationwide Operations

Top SEO Company Illinois 2024

62 reviews
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Why SEO Doesn't Work?

There are myriads of reasons why your SEO might not be working. The bottom line: If your website isn’t attracting high-quality leads from search results, or your SEO campaign doesn’t deliver the ROI you need, then it’s time for a full-scale SEO audit. Our website SEO auditing services analyze your website’s strengths and weaknesses to determine an SEO strategy that paves the way for long-term success.

Why SEO Doesn't Work?
Improve Visibility
Drive Sales Qualified Leads
Reduce Acquisition Costs
Our Promise
Our Promise

Providing SEO Audit services to businesses and eCommerce stores since 2008

*Average results generated for our clients

“We’ve been successfully providing SEO services in Chicago since 2006. We learned the importance of due diligence when taking on a new project. That’s why we’re very selective and never take on a new project unless we can verify, with hard data, how we will deliver results. Our clients love it, because they know that if we’re taking them on, we WILL deliver desired results.”

Marketing Strategist, Partner

Search Engine Optimization Audit Services

Considered a digital health check for your website, our technical SEO audits check backend elements like page speed, index status, broken links, duplicate content, and crawlability. This helps us understand how Google’s search engine spiders index your website, as well as how individual page elements affect crawl space and user experience.


Website Structure

Your website’s structure tells Google which pages are most important. Having a clear, logical and organized site map helps search engines find and index your content quickly. Our SEO audit ensures your website adheres to clear and simple naming conventions and reflects a clear hierarchy for optimized crawling and indexing.

Keyword Research & Optimization

SEO Keyword

Keywords are the backbone of on-page SEO, so it’s essential you understand which ones your target audience use. Our SEO keyword audit assesses whether your existing keywords are doing well for their original optimization, and if not, we’ll know how to improve them for better engagement.

Content SEO

Content SEO

We provide insight into what content to create, update, re-write or delete. Our comprehensive content audit reveals areas on your website that aren’t properly optimized for search engine results, assists with content development workflow, and aligns your content plan to your current marketing goals.

On-page elements like header tags, image ALT tags, and the length of page titles and URLs are crucial to SEO success. Healthy on-page SEO makes it easier for search crawlers to identify whether your web pages are relevant to a searcher’s query. So, if something’s missing, or needs to be optimized, we’ll immediately be able to pick it up.


Link Building Strategy

Our SEO auditing process assesses the quality of links to your website from other domains, with the aim to eradicate bad ones that hinder performance. Search engines like Google use backlinks to determine rank, so it is essential your links are high quality.

Mobile Friendly Optimization

Mobile-Friendly Performance

It’s important your website is mobile-friendly for search engine crawlers because Google predominantly uses the mobile version of website content for indexing and ranking. Our mobile SEO audits will assess your website’s load-time speed, user-friendliness and responsive design to determine if it’s fully optimized for multiple devices.


Organic Traffic

Organic traffic is a good indicator of how popular your website is. It measures the relevance and quality of its content, helping us gauge how your other SEO efforts are performing. The more people who find your website without paid ads, the better. Because organic traffic drives a higher ROI, our experts determine where and how to boost it.

A local SEO audit provides peace of mind you’re maximizing all avenues, tools, and tactics to boost your local pack visibility. We’ll review your Google My Business profile, listings on business and industry directories, as well as online reviews, to diagnose any symptoms that prevent your website from attracting quality traffic from targeted areas on search engine rankings.

We measure how you leverage digital marketing resources against industry standards. This includes your email marketing, paid advertising, website design, and user experience, as well as brand congruence and messaging efforts, to find out if they’re providing a competitive edge in search engine result pages.

Voice Search Optimization

Voice Search SEO

Keyword construction has changed because people are using more conversational phrases when interacting with digital assistants. We’ll analyze how to make your website more efficient for consumers who use voice programs to look for goods and services on search engines.

eCommerce SEO audits review specific online shopping tactics like category and product pages, internal product linking, and rich snippets to spot missed optimization opportunities. Our SEO audits flag canonical tags, internal links, and metadata that can be better utilized to improve brand awareness, store ranking, and conversion rates.

Every business needs a strong social media presence. Social media affects your website’s SEO efforts in terms of links and exposure. Through an SEO audit process, we can check whether you have a proper presence on the most important social channels and how easy it is for potential customers to find you there.

Complimentary SEO Audit

Our SEO experts will analyze your website's SEO and provide a comprehensive report with issues, opportunities and tips for improvement.
Our Work

Providing SEO Solutions to Solve Your Problems

Kraff Eye Institute
Increase in qualified leads
Increase in site visitors
Kraff Eye Institute
Founded by a world-renowned ophthalmologist and LASIK pioneer Dr. Coleman Kraff, the Kraff Eye Institute is a leading center for LASIK, PRK, and other advanced vision correction procedures. They have achieved astounding results. Kraff Eye Institute gained a 45% increase in qualified leads in less than a year (and in spite of much of 2020 stymying medical practices in particular), along with a 163% increase in traffic.
American Tent
Increase in qualified leads & sales
Increase in targeted traffic from SEO
American Tent
Founded in Milwaukee, American Tent manufactures and supplies high-quality tents for recreational and commercial use. The company primarily focuses on B2B, but it also offers services to consumers. Despite an extensive marketing campaign and relaunch of the company's website, American Tent's results have been anything but impressive. This client's qualified leads have increased by 177% in just 6 months by using 181 keywords. The client has reported record-breaking sales week after week and is thrilled with the results.
Lice Doctors
Increase in organic website traffic YOY
Increase in site visitors
Lice Doctors
The Lice Doctors provide safe, discrete expert lice treatment in the comfort of parents' homes for children and their parents. An expert lice treatment center has entrusted Comrade with a custom digital marketing strategy. In addition to this robust plan, Comrade has developed a brand-new, comprehensive website with a robust SEO structure that helped the company grow. Lice Doctors has regained its position as a leading child wellness company.
Granite Selection
increase in website visitors
Home Improvements
Granite Selection
Stone fabricator Granite Selection in Chicago distributes, designs, fabricates, and installs fine custom granite and marble countertops, shower walls, and fireplace surrounds. Through Comrade's guidance, Granite Selection has refined its business model and is now an established market leader with a high level of customer demand. The website we created is the most high-performance custom website in the industry.
The International Kitchen
Increase in SEO Traffic
Increase in Orders YOY
Luxury Culinary Service Reclaims Stake as Market Leader
The International Kitchen is a luxury agency focusing on gourmet culinary vacations throughout the world. Despite it being a pioneer in the industry, the International Kitchen had a lackluster website that negatively impacted sales. Comrade helped to complete a full marketing audit and implemented SEO and PPC campaigns. We also improved the content marketing efforts and completed website updates that resulted in a 118% increase in SEO traffic and a 62% increase in organic traffic year over year.
The Spice Company
Increase in Organic Traffic
Increase in Transactions
Online Spice Vendor Achieves Top Google Ranking & Sees 55% Increase in Organic Traffic
Savory Spice is an eCommerce business in addition to having over 30 retail locations. The brand is responsible for supplying over 1,500 restaurants throughout the country with its unique, high-quality spice blends. Comrade Digital Marketing Agency implemented an all-encompassing SEO strategy, including on-page and off-page optimizations, to help secure a top Google ranking for Savory Spice. Organic traffic has also nearly doubled since working with Comrade and sales have seen a large increase.
Our Reviews

332 clients and counting rely on Comrade Marketing Agency

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Gillespie Productions has been a customer of Comrade Web Agency since 2019. They have done an outstanding job relaunching our website and optimizing our SEO. I highly recommend Comrade.
John Gillespie
Gillespie Productions
Before I worked with Comrade, my site was completely ignored by google crawlers. After first 2 month I was on page 3, and by the end of month 3 I was #1 on google in my category !!! Thanks folks for such a great job!
Kristina G.
This SEO company is a mixture of enthusiasm and professionalism. I strongly recommend it to everyone who needs to create a website or who is looking for SEO services. These guys are talented and creative. Moreover, they take a personal approach to every customer! I’m sure you won’t regret choosing them!
Alicia Peterson

Recognized as a Leading Digital Marketing Agency


We are Google partner
We are Shopify partner
We are Hubspot certified partner


UpCity National Excellence 2024
Top Clutch SEO Company Illinois 2024
Comrade has awards from Awwwards.
We are platinum winner of creative awards from Hermes
We are "Davey awards" silver winner
Comrade is the top SEO services company
We have awards from FWA
Best PPC Agencies in Chicago 2024

How Much Does an SEO Audit Cost?

The cost of an SEO audit depends on the complexity of your website, its SEO status, and who you hire. Given how influential SEO audits are to the success of online businesses, it’s imperative the SEO company you work with is transparent about rates and deliverables.

The prices of our SEO auditing services comfortably fit within a range of budgets. However, if you want the best outcome, we recommend investing in an all-inclusive SEO audit, including technical, competitive, social, content, and link audits.

Reviewing every aspect of your website will significantly improve its SEO. It’s no secret that robust websites with the most effective SEO strategies rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). Conducting a professional SEO audit will improve optimization and ultimately increase your bottom line.

Our team of SEO specialists compile comprehensive reports with actionable recommendations to improve sales and leads. Most clients view our SEO audit services as an investment that uncovers valuable insights into potential profitability.

How Much Does an SEO Audit Cost?

How Our SEO Audit Services Work

Our SEO audit services

Our data-driven SEO audits provide a thorough evaluation of your website’s on-page, off-page, technical and local SEO status. The results offer a 360-view of where your website is right now and where it can improve its ability to rank in organic search.

Once we’ve performed a free 20-point performance audit, you’ll know which foundational SEO errors are affecting your search engine results and can opt to have an in-depth audit that pinpoints specific weaknesses within flagged areas.

Our comprehensive SEO audit services cover:

  • On-page SEO (keyword relevance)
  • Off-page SEO (link building strategy)
  • Technical SEO
  • Local SEO
  • Content marketing
  • Past SEO agency performance

Our SEO specialists look at page specific-elements like title tags, headings, content, reviews and internal links with keywords, as well as technical issues like hosting, site speed, XML sitemaps, and robot.txt file optimizations.

As part of your SEO site audit, you’ll receive a comprehensive SEO audit report and road map to develop an SEO strategy that improves your website’s search position and attracts organic traffic.

SEO Audit vs Competitive Analysis

An SEO audit is a full analysis of all the factors that impact a website’s visibility in search engines, whereas a competitive analysis is a strategy to identify competitors’ strengths and weaknesses in relation to your business.

Competitive analysis helps you learn how your competitors work and identify potential opportunities where you can out-perform them. It alerts you to industry trends and ensures you are meeting, and exceeding, industry standards.

Although SEO audits and competitive analyzes are inherently different, we do conduct competitive analyses during the SEO audit process to check link building campaigns and keyword rankings. This ensures the implementation of stronger SEO strategies that help businesses capture their share of the market.

How Long Do SEO Audit Services Take?

SEO audit services components

A full-scale SEO audit service can take anywhere from two to six weeks, depending on the scale of your website. During this time, our specialists analyze your entire SEO strategy to uncover search engine optimization opportunities that will enhance your website’s performance.

From relevant keywords to link quality and meta tags, our website SEO audit services include the following:

  • On-page SEO audit: Looking at your keyword rankings, and whether you’re optimizing for the right ones in search engines.
  • Off-page SEO audit: Examining your backlink profile to see which domains link to your website the most, as well as which pages earn the most links.
  • Technical SEO audit: Assessing your website’s crawlability, URL structure, the number of redirects, blocked pages, and other technical characteristics that affect search engine crawl bots from finding your website.
  • Local SEO audit: Determining the condition of your page in local search rankings and ways to further enhance local listings for improved conversions and revenue.

An SEO audit is a process of analyzing your website’s online presence to identify as many issues influencing organic search performance. It is the first step toward creating an SEO strategy with measurable results and favorable organic search rankings; however, it’s not a replacement for ongoing SEO services.

SEO is a long-term marketing strategy that delivers excellent results. Realistically, once we’ve completed a comprehensive audit and devised a robust SEO plan, it’ll take between three and four months for your customized SEO strategies to start working.

This is why so many successful businesses hire professional digital marketing agencies like us to implement, monitor and update their customized SEO strategies designed to maximize online visibility in search results.

Are You Ready to Maximize Your Google SEO?

If you’re ready to work with a team of top-rated SEO consultants in Chicago, give us a call. Before you even have to make a commitment, you’ll receive a custom-tailored SEO Optimization strategy for your business.

Are You Ready to Maximize Your Google SEO?

Why Comrade is the right SEO Company for you

Through carefully analysing your data our SEO experts create a clear SEO growth plan to help you capture top rankings on the search engine results and dominate your market with complete SEO services from our company.

  • The only web design and SEO company in Chicago to guarantee its results
  • Proven results in elevating organic traffic for our clients
  • Track record achieving top Google rankings for our clients, often within the top three and five results
  • We have over a decade of SEO experience and have delivered results for 100+ clients
  • Progress is transparent and tracked against our own 12-month SEO plan for target numbers revenue goals
  • We’ll work by your side to prove that we’ll be your long-term outsourced marketing team who will provide you not only the result but also SEO consultation services

Customer Centric Team

Every business is unique. That is why we tailor each of our solutions specifically to benefit your individual business and revenue goals. We place ourselves in customers shoes and organize our KPIs in line with their requirements. Our clients receive monthly SEO reports packed with information, which allows them to monitor the progress we have made. We always keep wishes of our customers in mind while making decisions and are completely transparent with everything we do.

ROI-Driven Services

At Comrade we understand that the main thing a client wants in tangible results. Everyone wants to grow and see their business expand. However, we also understand that no one just wants to burn their money, return on investment is particularly important when evaluating work done by a marketing agency. At Comrade we focus our work on high ROI solutions, that include, but are not limited to, SEO, PPC, email and content marketing. Using these tools, we can ring your company sizeable growth with impressive returns.

Team of Experts

Comrade has a vast and diverse team of online marketing experts with many years of experience in the industry. We specialists from all walks of digital marketing life. Do you need SEO specialists? We’ve got them. Content writers? Sure! Do you want someone to create a great website that is optimized for search engines for you? We have experts for that too! Our team has won multiple awards for excellence from such companies as clutch, UpCity, FWA and other industry standard-bearers. And we are ready to help you with any digital; marketing issue you might have.

Advanced and Detailed Reporting

Comrade has a vast and diverse team of online marketing experts with many years of experience in the industry. We specialists from all walks of digital marketing life. Do you need SEO specialists? We’ve got them. Content writers? Sure! Do you want someone to create a great website that is optimized for search engines for you? We have experts for that too! Our team has won multiple awards for excellence from such companies as clutch, UpCity, FWA and other industry standard-bearers. And we are ready to help you with any digital; marketing issue you might have.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Our SEO Auditing Services

What are SEO Auditing Services?

SEO auditing services provide a detailed analysis of your website by an SEO Agency in order to identify problems that may hinder its organic search performance. An example of these services would be documentation of issues found, recommendations for fixing them, and consultation throughout the implementation process.

How do you price SEO optimization?

We calculate a monthly retainer fee based off of the hours required for your project. Once the total number of hours for the lifetime of your campaign is calculated, our search engine optimization agency converts them into a retainer fee. Fees are due at the beginning of the month.

When do I see results from your SEO services?

SEO is a long-term strategy, and can take anywhere from 3-4 months before you start to see real results. But the growth is durable, sustainable, and cost effective, ensuring that your business is being shown to your customers first.

Does your SEO agency guarantee results?

We make sure that all clients we work with see the growth that their business deserves. Through our web SEO company's smart strategies, it’s our goal to see your business rise to the top of Google’ search results.

What do your SEO services include?

For our clients, we provide a full set of SEO optimization services. From the initial SEO audit to ongoing support, we handle it all. Besides providing a detailed strategy for SEO both on and off page, we also create compelling and engaging content.

How can an SEO firm help my business?

There are many facets to SEO, and it constantly changes. The highest quality and most current SEO services are available when you work with SEO consultants such as ours. Our guaranteed SEO services help customers grow over the long haul as well as save money by avoiding in-house campaigns that aren't optimized for search engines.

Can you help me with local SEO?

The Majority of small businesses aren’t optimized for local SEO. We not only provide broad organic SEO services, national SEO campaigns but also offer local SEO services. This means that even brick-and-mortar businesses can see real growth from our SEO consulting company services.

We usually deliver a 4.5x ROI for our clients
Request your no-strings-attached SEO audit
  • Check of your website load speed
  • An audit of your backlinks to ensure they are high quality
  • A 20-point SEO performance evaluation
  • Backlink review
  • A website SEO content strategy and suggestions
  • Your overall conversion rate to help pinpoint areas where you can improve

In addition, you’ll receive a high-level SEO strategy tailored to your business completely free of charge.

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(872) 242 1074

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