Senior Living Experts
About This Project
visit websiteSenior Living Experts is a free, Chicago-area-based referral agency providing senior citizens and their families essential resources and help in finding the right senior living solutions.

New high-performance website and a full digital marketing campaign made it easy for prospective clients to find the agency online
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Prior to hiring Comrade, the previous SLE website did not convey the full scope of the agency’s work nor the expanded geographic area which it services. Potential clients also had difficulty finding crucial information about the agency online, resulting in reduced traffic and low conversion rates.

Comrade designed and developed a top-notch website fitting the nation’s top-rated senior living referral service. In addition to the new, high-performance website, we implemented a full digital marketing campaign replete with advertising and SEO solutions, making it easy for prospective clients to find the agency online. Senior Living Experts now enjoy a fresh, ongoing influx of organic web traffic and qualified leads.