Franchise SEO Services

See Real Growth for Your Business With Expert Franchise SEO Services From One of The Top SEO Agencies in the United States

Top SEO Company Illinois 2024

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What Are Franchise SEO services?

Franchise SEO is the process of getting your franchise website to rank at the top of search engine results.

As the foundation of digital marketing, it plays a critical role in leading prospects to your website and converting them into paying customers, either directly online or as foot traffic visiting your brick-and-mortar stores.

Since franchisors and their franchisees may have different goals, their SEO strategies can differ, depending on whether they are promoting the entire corporate brand or individual franchise locations.

What Are Franchise SEO services?
Our Promise
Our Promise

Providing Franchise SEO services to businesses and eCommerce stores since 2008

*Average results generated for our clients

“We have been providing SEO services in Chicago since 2006. We have learned the importance of doing your due diligence before taking on a new project. Therefore, we accept projects only if they can demonstrate their effectiveness with reliable data. Our clients know if they hire us, they will get results.”

Marketing strategist, Partner

What Our Franchise SEO Services Include

Our comprehensive franchise SEO services include a range of processes and tactics to optimize your online presence and represent your franchise according to search engine and consumer expectations.

Comrade Digital Marketing grows your business through digital channels by reaching the most qualified prospects across multiple touchpoints to nudge them down the sales funnel. We make sure that when potential customers discover you online, they're compelled to walk through your franchise doors.

Franchise SEO Strategy

We tailor our franchise SEO to serve a specific franchise or multiple markets. By optimizing technical website infrastructure, branding, your product and service catalog, and other variables, our franchise SEO experts develop a cohesive and successful search engine optimization strategy that attracts data-driven leads.

Our comprehensive SEO strategies easily balance your marketing requirements with the needs of individual businesses or franchise groups. With cutting-edge techniques and methodologies, Comrade franchise SEO targets all aspects of the marketing funnel, effectively converting leads into loyal customers.

Keyword Research & Optimization

Targeted Keyword Research

Choosing the right target keywords isn’t just about knowing which terms are searched for most often, it also entails discerning how to rank for a target keyword with the right intent. Comrade’s expertise, combined with bespoke keyword research tools, focuses on finding the commercial terms your franchise needs to target to improve organic traffic.

We segment hundreds of thousands of keywords on a granular level to identify the right keyword combination that informs PPC campaign builds, social media strategies, buyer persona development, and website architecture recommendations.


Technical SEO Services

Improving the navigational experience and accessibility of your web pages ensures they perform at their maximum potential and gain maximum visibility in search results to help you compete against others in the franchise industry.

Our SEO specialists provide intelligent solutions to technical website challenges and are experienced in managing website migrations. They identify and fix both simple and complex technical errors that prevent franchise businesses from achieving success online.

The most common way customers find businesses on the internet is by searching for them on Google. Consequently, local SEO for franchises captures potential customers in your franchise’s local area, leading to more in-store foot traffic.

With expertise in delivering consistent NAPs, citations, Google My Business profiles, review management, and relevant backlink acquisitions, our SEO company allows your franchise to rank locally, making it more easily discoverable by new customers.

Consistently creating and optimizing high-value content with relevant keywords should be non-negotiable for all eCommerce stores. Done right, content marketing delivers value to your target audience and makes them want to engage with your business.

Comrade’s digital strategists and content creators work together to produce content that builds consumer trust, brand credibility, and loyal customer relationships. We keep the conversation fresh, helpful, and engaging between brands and consumers.

Optimizing for Maps and Mobile

Google Maps Optimization

75% of users who search for local products on Google, end up visiting businesses on the same day. A well-developed Google Maps listing maximizes how often your franchise shows up on local searches and increases business exposure.

Our team specializes in Google Maps optimization for franchises and multi-location brands, with the goal of getting them to ranking in the Google 3-Pack—the prime spot for local business searches. We develop customer review campaigns, geo-targeted landing pages, and follow local SEO best practices to grow your local customer base.


Link Building Strategy

Franchise websites with high-quality, relevant inbound links from reputable sources signal trustworthiness to search engines and rank higher in search results. Our franchise SEO link-building strategies utilize guest blogging, and the clever use of anchor text to grow your digital presence.

Building links that resonate in SERPs and boost organic traffic is challenging, but our white hat approach earns our clients links from the best sites online. We only target websites with a high domain authority through targeted outreach and quality content marketing.


Full On-page SEO Services

Optimizing page-specific elements like title tags, alt tags, headings and internal links with keywords helps search engines identify when your website is relevant to a searcher’s query and improves its ranking in SERPs.

We also optimize structured data to target rich snippets that add visual interest, more information, and greater utility for searchers, which increases your website’s overall organic click-through rates.


Franchise Marketing Strategy

Comrade offers comprehensive digital marketing services from lead generation to content marketing, reputation management and social media promotion that generates a profitable ROI for franchise owners.

Whether you own a single business or the franchise itself, our online marketing tells a single brand story across multiple campaigns to promote your business and accelerate its growth in the regions where it operates.

Ready to Work With a Team of Top-Rated Franchise SEO Consultants?

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Our Reviews

332 clients and counting rely on Comrade Digital Marketing Agency

Based on 160+ reviews from
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Our company has been working with Comrade Digital Marketing Agency since 2019. As we relaunched our website and optimized its search engine optimization, it was a pleasure working with their team. I highly recommend Comrade.
John Gillespie
Gillespie Productions
Before I began working with Comrade, Google crawlers ignored my site completely. Within two months, I had reached page three in my category, and within three months I had reached page one! You have done an excellent job! Thank you so much!
Kristina G.
This SEO company combines enthusiasm with professionalism. I highly recommend this company to anyone who needs a website or is interested in search engine optimization services. Furthermore, every customer is treated with a high level of personal attention.
Alicia Peterson

Recognized as a Leading Digital Marketing Agency


We are Google partner
We are Shopify partner
We are Hubspot certified partner


UpCity National Excellence 2024
Top Clutch SEO Company Illinois 2024
Comrade has awards from Awwwards.
We are platinum winner of creative awards from Hermes
We are "Davey awards" silver winner
Comrade is the top SEO services company
We have awards from FWA
Best PPC Agencies in Chicago 2024

How Much Do Franchise SEO Services Cost?

The cost of franchise SEO services varies depending on whether you’re engaging in operational franchise marketing or franchise development marketing, or both.

Coupled with this is the current state of your current franchise SEO efforts, as well as industry competition and how offensive you want your digital marketing to be.

Some franchises adopt the slow and steady approach, while others hit the ground running. There is no standard formula; only what’s right for your specific business goals.

No matter which you choose; digital marketing, and especially SEO, are the best business investments. Industry reports indicate the average ROI ranges from $3.75 to $7.00 for every $1.

Our tailored SEO solutions typically cost from $1,500 to over $6,000 per month. The amount directly correlates with the aggressiveness of your franchise SEO strategy. Best of all? We guarantee 100% success!

How Much Do Franchise SEO Services Cost?

How Does Franchise SEO Services Benefit Your Marketing Strategy?

Purchase journeys that used to exist in the physical world now take place through a complex combination of physical and digital actions. Today’s Customers discover brands online and buy products in the real world, at stores.

Needless to say, search engines facilitate the majority of business transactions. To run a successful business, franchise owners have to reconfigure their marketing strategies to optimize multiple-location businesses for search engine visibility.

The bottom line? Search engine optimization ensures your business is exposed to the right customers at the right time when they’re busy online. The greater your online visibility, the higher the chances of capturing business.

Franchise SEO is the only viable way to outrank thousands of other online businesses and enhance brand equity online, which has a positive impact on your brick-and-mortar stores.

When franchises partner with us, we ensure they’re not only found online, but that high-intent customers choose them over their competitors.

Other digital marketing benefits include:

  • Increased visibility in Google Maps and Local SERPs for multiple business locations;
  • Improved foot traffic, leads, and sales;
  • Cost-effective online marketing;
  • Higher customer loyalty and trust;
  • Greater online prominence and business credibility;
  • Consistent and powerful brand building; and
  • Sustainable business growth.

Comrade’s Transparent Franchise SEO Process

Unlike other brand marketing systems, franchise marketing is complex and intricate, making it all the more challenging to find the right agency that understands your business needs and knows how to drive conversions.

While franchise branding tends to remain consistent, each location is affected by seasonality, competition levels, service offering and individual marketing budget, which makes it tricky to balance individual franchise marketing KPIs with overall brand demands.

Franchises need SEO specialists who are not only experts at understanding the digital space but also have intricate knowledge of the unique requirements that come with franchise marketing. Luckily, Comrade has got you covered.

As search engine optimization experts, we guarantee transparency, results, and affordability. By that, we mean we deliver results within efficient time frames. We do the necessary work and won’t charge you for something you don’t need. And lastly, we are always happy to explain each part of the process, so you know exactly how we’re making a difference in your business.

We’re not about fancy jargon. We’re about tangible results that increase profit margins. With us, you get a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that includes:

Franchise Business Audit

Our 20-point SEO audit measures website efficiency and visibility. It determines whether your website is fully optimized for search engine traffic, has broken links or files, loads properly, is user-friendly, and how engaging its content is. Once complete, we’ll understand exactly how to increase your online performance.

Target Audience Development

Target audience research

We’ll analyze your customer base to gain a comprehensive understanding of your ideal target audience and its different segments. This allows us to create targeted and personalized online experiences that grab the attention of potential customers with the right messaging at the right time.

Target Audience Keyword Research

Keyword research is a fundamental part of the SEO process. During this stage, we identify popular words and phrases your target audience uses when searching for products, services, and content online. With this data, we’ll know which words and phrases to utilize throughout your SEO strategy.

Technical SEO Audit

Next we conduct a technical SEO audit, which is like a website health check, to pinpoint any technical issues that may prevent search engines from properly crawling and indexing your franchise website. This lets us optimize the back-end of your website to improve its search engine rankings.

Local SEO Strategy

All businesses operating in specific areas benefit from local SEO. From optimizing Google My Business profiles to increasing citations in local business directories and managing customer reviews, we’ll make certain your franchise is visible to people in your area who are searching for your products or services.

Content Marketing

Content is still king. When strategized and properly executed, it generates quality leads and sustains healthy sales growth. Our marketing strategists and talented content creators will produce bespoke content that answers your audience’s questions, builds trust, develops relationships, and positions your franchise as an industry leader.

Link Building Strategy

Six types of links in link building strategy

When other websites with relevant content and high-domain authority link back to yours, they let search engines know your franchise is a trusted authority, which boosts visibility and rankings. Through outreach, content collaboration with key industry players, and other off-page SEO tactics, we’ll help your franchise acquire robust backlinks that build a powerful brand.

KPIs Tracking and Reporting

We monitor your SEO campaigns using a range of cutting-edge marketing technology to keep your online business performance on track. As a data-driven SEO agency, we believe marketing metrics are a quantifiable and reliable way to gauge effectiveness. Naturally, we share and explain these results with you, so you know what we’re working on, and how we’re optimizing your online presence for the best results.

Franchise Local SEO Is the Key to Success

Franchise local SEO is the process of optimizing a website, so it shows up in location-based search results (e.g., “Ace Hardware near me”). While it’s important to rank for industry-related keywords, local SEO helps franchises reach customers specifically looking for your products or services nearby to where you’re located, i.e., in your service area.

Why Is Local SEO for Franchises Important?

Most franchises have established brands, and those that don’t can leverage digital marketing to gain their footing in the market.

A successful local SEO strategy focuses on geographic keywords, local content marketing and location-specific testimonials and reviews to reach local customers and increase website and storefront traffic.

What’s more, unless customers are aware a franchise exists near them, they likely won’t visit or make a purchase. Therefore, local SEO is key to staying relevant and growing your business, whether you’re a franchisor or an individual store owner.

Our Local SEO Strategy for Franchises

We optimize schema markup, NAP data, local content optimization, Google Maps, and more, to establish your franchise in local search engine results.

Implement Location-Based Keywords in Content

Implement location-based keywords in content

Location-based keywords contain locale-specific words and phrases that help people in your franchise location find and learn more about your business. For example, if you’re a gym based in Manhattan, you’ll include the phrase “Gym, Manhattan, NY” in title tags, headings, and page copy.

Depending on your franchise location, we also use local landmarks, tourist attractions and regional names as target keywords. While local searches yield lower search volumes, their intent drives traffic with an 80% conversion rate!

Add Franchise Locations to Google Maps and Optimize Google My Business Listings

Google Maps and Google My Business (GBM) profiles are crucial tools that improve local online visibility. Once we’ve registered a Google My Business account for your franchise (or franchises if you have multiple businesses), we’ll optimize it to rank as high as possible.

This includes verifying all locations, accurate data entry, adding FAQs, and review management, as well as uploading high-quality images. Afterward, your storefront will be visible on Google Maps complete with vital information your customers need.

Include Franchise Locations in Yelp and Other Important Directories

Local business listing and citations play a vital role in reputation, search engine rankings, and revenue. They provide search engines with rich content and position your business as a highly valued listing. That’s why we ensure your franchise is listed in Yelp and other esteemed directories in your industry.

Local listings matter for SEO because they drive high-authority backlinks and affect traffic. The more credible online indicators that prove your franchise exists in a local area, the higher it will rank in search engine results, not to mention the boost it can receive from positive customer reviews.

Help Search Engines Understand Your Location with Schema Data

Structured data, also called schema markup, provides explicit information about your franchise’s web pages that help search engines understand its purpose and context. Our SEOs use it to enhance the look of your search result listing by adding review stars, product prices, or answers to FAQs, etc. This helps get your franchise URL listed as a rich snippet.

This is a normal Google search result with additional data that’s pulled from structured data found in your web page’s HTML. Higher click-through rates, greater search visibility, faster indexing, and voice search domination are some of the many advantages of implementing structured data that displays as rich snippets.

Get Reviews and Improve Search Engine Reputation Management (SERM)

A business’s reputation extends further than search engine results pages. Social media networks and review platforms influence how customers perceive your franchise. That’s why it’s important they’re monitored and enhanced to maintain positive perceptions among customers.

As much as 25% of a company’s market value is directly related to its reputation. Comrade helps franchises counter negative feedback and promote a positive brand image to improve credibility, boost customer engagement and trust, and most notably, show customers they care.

Get in touch to see how our SEO solutions can take your business to the next level
Get in touch to see how our SEO solutions can take your business to the next level

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Get in touch to see how our SEO solutions can take your business to the next level


Franchise SEO translates to improved brand awareness, website traffic, phone calls, and visits to individual franchise locations. If you’re ready to work with a team of top SEO specialists to scale business growth then give us a call. We’ll perform a free 20-point SEO audit and provide you with a customized non-obligation SEO strategy for your franchise.

Why Choose Comrade as Your SEO Agency

Comrade is a trusted, results-driven SEO Agency backed by a formidable track record and the data to prove its digital marketing success. We’ve helped over 100 clients dominate their market with our SEO services.

With over a decade of experience in the digital marketing arena, our SEO specialists are adept at handling the demands of multiple-location businesses, while our client-orientated approach ensures we’re doing what’s best for your business at all times.

Need more convincing?

  • The only web design and SEO company in Chicago that guarantees results.
  • Consistent achievement in top Google rankings for our clients, often within the top three and five search engine results.
  • A 175% increase in organic traffic for all our clients on average.
  • Transparent progress is tracked against our 12-month franchise SEO plan that always reaches KPI and revenue goals.
  • We’ll work efficiently by your side as your trusted SEO team, delivering the highest quality work and unbeatable ROI for your franchise locations.

Customer-Centric Team

We offer consistently great and relevant marketing for your franchise. Every franchise has very specific messaging, branding, content, and goals, which is why we develop customized solutions that come from understanding your business and its KPIs.

Our franchise clients receive monthly SEO reports that clearly explain the progress we’ve made, and suggest where we can further improve search engine optimization. We always keep our customer’s objectives in mind when making strategic decisions and only promise what we can deliver.

Impressive SEO ROI

Our clients pay us to produce tangible results that boost revenue. As the old saying goes, “you have to spend money to make money,” however, our cost-effective marketing strategies guarantee your investment in franchise SEO will always be lower than the profits you reap.

At Comrade, we only work on high ROI solutions, that include, but aren’t limited to, SEO, content marketing, PPC, reputation management, and especially local SEO for franchises, to derive the highest possible ROI.

SEO Franchise Experts

Our multiple award-winning team is ready to transform your SEO challenges into opportunities that help your business rank high in search engine results pages. Cross-departmental collaboration between our experts is essential to ensure your website is running effectively.

Do you need a website developer, SEO specialist, or content marketer? When you outsource your marketing needs to us, we bolster your franchise with an experienced and professional team recognized by industry standard-bearers for their SEO and marketing excellence.

Robust and Detailed Reporting

We start every franchise SEO strategy with thorough research. Regardless of whether we’re taking over an existing campaign or creating a new one, it’s paramount we understand your industry, competitors, and customers.

And it doesn’t stop there. Our team uses real-time customer feedback provided by Analytics to continuously optimize campaigns until they’re completed. And we take clients along the journey by providing detailed reports that show how your site is performing in terms of organic traffic, conversions, backlinks, and technical website health.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Franchise SEO Services

What is franchise marketing?

Franchise marketing is the process of promoting the corporate brand, individual franchise locations, or overall franchise development online and offline, using digital and traditional methods, to raise business awareness, boost leads, and ultimately grow target audiences and business revenue.

What is the difference between a franchise and a business?

A franchise is a business, like Mcdonald's for example, in which a 'franchisor' sells the rights to use their company name, trademarks, and business model to independent operators called 'franchisees.' This is typically in return for a one-off franchise fee, plus an ongoing percentage of sales revenue and other fees. Franchisees have to run their businesses according to franchise agreements, however with an ordinary business, the owner has complete freedom to operate their business as they wish.

What is franchise SEO?

Franchise SEO is a strategic part of digital marketing. It focuses on making your website, online content, and advertising visible, as well as improving its ranking on search engine results pages. Websites with higher rankings receive more traffic, and thus opportunities to convert visitors into loyal paying customers.

Is promoting multiple locations possible?

Multiple location SEO makes it possible to promote several locations within the same city, metro, state, or locations that span the country. Utilizing local SEO best practices and registering a Google my Business profile for each location helps win over location-specific customers.

We usually deliver a 4.5x ROI for our clients
Request your no-strings-attached SEO audit
  • Check of your website load speed
  • An audit of your backlinks to ensure they are high quality
  • A 20-point SEO performance evaluation
  • Backlink review
  • A website SEO content strategy and suggestions
  • Your overall conversion rate to help pinpoint areas where you can improve

In addition, you’ll receive a high-level SEO strategy tailored to your business completely free of charge.

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