Digital Marketing for Lawyers – How’s and Why’s

This step-by-step guide to online marketing for lawyers shows you how to boost lead flow.

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Stan Bogdashin

By Stan Bogdashin

Stan co-founded Comrade Digital Marketing and serves as its marketing strategist and IT expert recruiter.
More Stan's articles

Attracting clients is the greatest challenge for law firms. A highly competitive legal market and a lack of digital marketing acumen can lead to revenue stagnation. Conversely, some lawyers don’t believe in digital advertising for law firms, yet data proves it delivers ROI.

For instance,

Comrade has increased sales-qualified leads (SQL) by 70% on average for our legal clients.

Imagine your digital marketing efforts bringing in so much revenue that they pay for themselves and more!

As a preeminent digital marketing agency for law firms, we know it’s possible and wish to share our expertise so you can change your law firm’s destiny.

This guide provides essential strategies and explains the basic components of online marketing, emphasizing building a formidable online presence, achieving quality results, and complying with legal marketing best practices.

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What Is Digital Marketing for Attorneys and Law Firms?

Digital marketing for law firms is the act of selling services online. It refers to advertising on search engines, websites, social media, and mobile apps at a high level. Modern-day digital marketing comprises a large system of channels used to make an impact through user engagement. Understanding and utilizing digital marketing channels is crucial for effective advertising and content publication.

User engagement drives law firm online marketing by creating meaningful interactions with potential and returning customers based on analytical data gathered over time. When your law firm engages customers digitally, you build brand awareness, assert yourself as an industry thought leader, and situate your law firm at the forefront when potential clients require your services.

Digital marketing strategies for lawyers include:

  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Pay-per-click advertising
  • Social media platforms, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter
  • Email marketing

And many more different strategies, however, these 4 are the main ones you need to focus on first, as they will give you the most benefits.

12 Digital Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Law Firm

Clients approach us because they realize the importance of digital marketing but need help to keep up with the demands of marketing technology and dedicate sufficient time to developing and implementing a robust strategy.

Then there is also the scenario where they’ve hired inexperienced or dubious marketers who whoo them with “impressive” charts filled with vanity metrics that don’t equate to sales. The truth is that the best digital marketing strategies help you accomplish your business goals. That’s why so many law firms work with us.

Beyond search engine optimization, content marketing, and having a law firm website that meets digital marketing standards, we employ subtle tactics like email and social media marketing to personalize, communicate and acquire leads. Additionally, we leverage digital advertising, including targeted PPC campaigns and social media ads, to maximize ROI and attract online leads.

Ready to take your law firm’s marketing to the next level? Explore these essential legal marketing tips now

Successful digital marketing strategy

1. Research Your Target Audience

Digital marketing is considerably cheaper than traditional marketing and highly effective when properly utilized. It specifically targets your ideal customer, which means you need to know who they are. As a law firm, you’ll have a specialty, so if you’re a divorce lawyer, there’s no point targeting clients who require help with environmental law, for instance.

Because the internet has 4.66 million users, it’s vital to target the best-suited clients. If you have no idea where to begin, you should hire a digital marketing agency to help you conduct market research and identify legal industry trends. You might try starting by creating a profile of your ideal client, reviewing existing clients, and collating similarities to determine the type of client profile you serve.

2. Set Up The Right Goals

Law firm digital marketing has two broad objectives: client retention and solidifying your firm’s reputation as an asset to clients who need legal counsel. To realize these ambitions, you have to establish many smaller goals, which set the direction for what needs to happen for your internet marketing for attorneys to succeed.

Analyze your client’s journey to hiring you. What do they search for? How do they find you? Are you getting a lot of website traffic but only a tiny conversion percentage? Would you get more clients if you ramp up social media activity and improve your legal website?

Because legal digital marketing for attorneys is nuanced, you need to set tangible goals. A good marketing strategy generates clients – not just clicks! Therefore, each tactic must be prioritized according to your law firm’s objectives.

For example, it’s not enough to claim you want more clients. How many? And by when? Vague and undefined goals almost guarantee failure. It’s far more productive to say you want 15 new leads monthly.

That’s why we use the SMART framework. The acronym SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. Research shows setting the correct type of specific goals offers greater chances of success.

Discover how setting clear objectives can transform your law firm’s success – Learn more here!

3. Invest in Your Own Digital Legal Marketing Campaign

It doesn’t matter what type of business you are in; marketing is crucial for helping it get off the ground. This is especially true for a law firm because you could have the best lawyers in the world, but if no one knows about them, you’re out of luck.

The best law firms view marketing as an investment. Getting more clients through digital advertising is your return on investment (ROI). All of this is well and good, but how do you go about putting this marketing into practice? Experienced marketers would have many suggestions for you, including tips such as having a best-in-class website (it’s important that prospects view your firm as one of the best), high visibility online (more on that below in SEO section), high-performance ads, good content marketing, and, of course, building meaningful client and referral relationships with other lawyers, and getting as many referrals from satisfied clients.

Demystify law firm marketing costs and find budget-friendly solutions to grow your business – Check it out!

4. Choose the Right Marketing Channels According to Your Goals

Selecting the right digital marketing channels is a pivotal decision for law firm marketing success. Each channel possesses distinct attributes that can align with specific objectives. Understanding the target audience is paramount, as it informs the choice of channels that resonate best with potential clients.

Digital platforms, like social media and content marketing, offer expansive reach and engagement opportunities. Email campaigns excel in nurturing client relationships and delivering targeted messages. Podcasts and videos establish thought leadership through dynamic storytelling.

Consider the balance between online and offline strategies, assessing the efficacy of each in reaching desired outcomes. Regularly measuring channel performance against established goals refines the approach.

Marketing Goals Marketing Channels
Thought Leadership Podcasts, Videos, Content Marketing
Brand Awareness Podcasts, Videos, Social Media
Audience Engagement Podcasts, Videos, Social Media
Lead Generation Content Marketing, eBooks, Webinars
Client Retention Newsletters, Email Marketing
Building Credibility Content Marketing, Webinars, eBooks
Online Visibility Social Media, Videos, Infographics
Differentiation from Competitors Infographics, Unique Content

In essence, the optimal marketing channel blend for law firms hinges on a nuanced understanding of audience preferences and the firm’s unique strengths. A thoughtful selection empowers firms to communicate effectively, foster connections, and achieve their marketing objectives.

Don’t miss out on essential strategies for promoting your new law firm. Get started today by checking out our comprehensive guide.

5. Boost Your Sales Department Using Law Firm SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is profitable because it drives organic traffic to your website and increases brand exposure in search engine results pages (SERPs).

While the cost of one click in a competitive marketplace such as law might be between $100-$200, with ten clicks adding up to $2000, the right SEO strategy can garner 10,0000 clicks without you having to pay for each one.

digital marketing for lawyers results

Google’s complex algorithm determines search engine page rankings. Ranking requirements constantly change, so your website must be SEO optimized to keep up with these changes.

SEO captures leads already searching for your services. Additionally, it offers these invaluable benefits:

  • Higher rankings that equate to higher levels of trust.
  • A robust market position that attracts targeted traffic and increases conversions.
  • For local law firms, SEO generates reviews via local searches.
  • SEO allows you to reach potential clients wherever they are in on smartphones and tablets.

Get ahead of the competition with powerful SEO tactics tailored for lawyers – Explore our guide now!

6. Local SEO for Small Law Firms or Attorneys

46% of all Google searches seek local information. Local SEO helps law firms rank higher in local search results and attract clients within their specified radius. This is particularly advantageous for small law firms that struggle to outcompete larger competitors.

Additionally, law firms with positive online reviews automatically outperform those without. Local SEO makes it possible to service requests within your area because it considers a client’s location and the specific keywords they use relevant to your firm.

Whether you’re located in a city or suburb, local SEO works the same and ensures your law firm is viewed as an expert in its area of practice within a specific geographic location.

Attract clients with effective local SEO strategies for lawyers – Learn how to boost your firm’s visibility in your area!

7. Build a Strong Legal Website

88% of law firms have a firm website. In fact, good clients expect you to have a website. A strong law firm website boosts business credibility and offers a strategic introduction to your services. It’s a sales pitch, and information hub rolled into one and the core of the law firm digital marketing efforts. An effective website does the following for potential clients:

  • Showcases your law firm’s expert legal services
  • Provides contact details
  • Offers successful case studies
  • Represents your law firm’s values
  • Supplies information to commonly asked questions as a method to build credibility and rank higher on search engines.

Your law firm website should be user-friendly, as in, it must be easy for potential clients to navigate when on desktop, tablet, or mobile. It should also be optimized for search engines to index and rank, and each page must carry a clear call to action, prompting potential clients to move further toward procuring your services.

Want an eye-catching website that impresses clients? See our top law firm website designs for inspiration!


Not happy with your website performance?

Talk to legal marketing experts

8. Utilize PPC to Gain More Leads Right Now

When executed properly, pay-per-click (PPC) marketing can generate hundreds of leads for unknown attorneys and law firms. Although you pay to be at the top of Google results, it’s a valuable opportunity because where do people in need of a lawyer go? Online, of course!

Law firm PPC advertising is an excellent tactic to reach leads because it is a form of digital advertising that targets clients seeking specific law services. You’ll find PPC ads on search engines like Google, and social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and even in emails.

They’re cost-effective because you dictate the budget – spending as much or little as necessary – and they’re targeted. You choose your audience according to demographics, gender, age, device, and more.

Google Ads rank PPC campaigns based on audience relevance and helpfulness (in the same way they rank websites). Relevant ad copy that correlates with the keywords you bid on will increase your rank, which determines where your ad appears and the cost per click.

Accelerate your growth with targeted Google Ads services for lawyers – Start maximizing your client base today!

Lawyer PPC Keywords Examples

Here are a few lawyer PPC keywords example to get you started on your lawyer PPC campaign.

Keyword Volume Cost Per Click
bankruptcy attorney 72,000 $10
personal injury lawyer 63,000 $110
real estate attorney 24,000 $3
divorce attorney 23,000 $5
immigration attorney 9,900 $4.50
criminal defense lawyer 7,900 $40
estate planning lawyer 4,000 $3.50
employment law firm 1,100 $4
intellectual property law firm 600 $3.50

Unlock the right lawyer PPC keywords to attract your ideal clients – Discover the essential lawyer keywords for your website!

9. Attract New Clients Using Content Marketing for Lawyers

Content marketing is about much more than press releases announcing awards won or showcasing expertise. The aim is to write about clients’ common questions or describe outcomes and advice pertaining to particular cases – this illustrates your expertise far better!

Law Firm Content Marketing

Build authority and trust through lawyer content marketing – Learn how to engage your audience with valuable legal insights!

Find out how the best law firm SEO agencies can help you dominate search results and grow your practice.

Blog Article Ideas for Lawyers

Let’s say you’re a divorce lawyer with robust experience. Over the years, you’ll know the types of questions your clients are most likely to ask you about various cases. You can leverage this knowledge to attract leads.

For example, you might write a blog post about:

  • Child custody and parental rights
  • Alimony
  • The divorce process
  • How to choose a divorce lawyer
  • Dos and don’ts of getting a divorce
  • A guide to social media and divorce

Conducting keyword research can help you find the most common phrases used by clients seeking information on this topic, which you can include in your content. Once published, your blog transforms into a valuable piece of content that ranks high on Google, is shared by users, and encourages them to explore your services.

Your content marketing strategy isn’t just limited to blogging; you should also explore:

  • Podcasts, that serve as potent tools for law firm marketing, establishing firms as thought leaders by hosting legal discussions. This showcases expertise, solidifying authority, and building trust through personalized engagement. Consistent episodes expand reach, attracting potential clients seeking insights.
  • Video content, that law firms leverage dynamic mediums for legal insights. Videos demonstrate proficiency, positioning firms as reliable sources. Shareable videos enhance visibility on social media, expanding online reach. Video content also bolsters SEO, improving search rankings and organic traffic.
  • Newsletters, which strategically nurture client relationships, maintaining communication through legal updates. Loyalty and retention benefit from these periodic emails, while lead nurturing guides potential clients towards conversion. Valuable insights in newsletters establish expertise and credibility, fostering trust with clients and prospects.
  • Infographics, and visual representations of legal data, simplify complex concepts, making firms approachable to potential clients. Shareable on social media, infographics amplify online visibility and set firms apart from competitors, solidifying brand identity.
  • In-depth eBooks, that generate leads, showcasing expertise and thought leadership. Valuable resources attract potential clients, while comprehensive eBooks position firms as go-to legal sources. These eBooks also excel in email marketing, acting as lead magnets for subscription and future engagement.

Another law firm content marketing strategy is offering website visitors a free ebook (lead magnet) in exchange for their contact details, which you can use for email marketing drip campaigns.

10. Bring in More Legal Clients with Social Media

Social media marketing for lawyers

Like all law firm marketing, social media marketing enables firms to connect and engage with potential customers where they are: Instagram, Facebook, Linked In, YouTube, and even TikTok. It’s a profitable resource for PPC campaigns, community building, brand awareness, and content publishing.

However, you need only use the platforms your audience is on. The American Bar Association found that 35% of lawyers who use social media professionally gained new clients. There is also a correlation between improved social signals and search engine ranking.

A strong social presence engages your audience and offers valuable insights and feedback for your firm to utilize in its internet marketing efforts. Depending on your brand tone, you can use social media to publish content, engage with current affairs, hold polls and advertise your services directly via PPC.

Harness the power of social media for law firms to expand your reach – Find out how!

11. Leverage Your Partners

There is no question that partnering with experienced lawyers would be a huge asset to your law firm. Having highly-qualified partners would be great for your clients and help your firm get more visibility and client reviews. Consider the fact that adding a good criminal lawyer, who can clearly explain difficult concepts and can help their clients understand the ins and outs of the process they’re going through, can elevate your firm’s reputation and attract more clients in the future.

If you apply these ideas at your firm, there is little doubt that it will grow. Of course, if you are just starting out, you will have to put one foot in front of the other and pay your dues. However, once you implement these ideas at your law firm, you will get there sooner rather than later.

Get the latest law firm marketing ideas and attorney marketing tips to boost your practice. Read our blog post now for expert advice!

12. Closely Follow Your Budget and ROI

How long is a piece of string? How much should you spend on internet marketing for lawyers? There are standard industry benchmarks, but these figures are malleable. Internet marketing is a long-term investment that calls for proper budgeting.

The budget determines how you roll out your attorney internet marketing campaigns and the types of content marketing you decide to invest in. Digital marketing tactics are based on real-time data. Its flexible and agile methods constantly respond to behavioral economics, which calls for careful ROI monitoring.

For example, keeping a watchful eye on PPC campaigns can save money. Through A/B testing, you can run the same ad with altered variables such as image and copy changes to determine which works best. Now, without monitoring, you may run the same ad without positive results and waste money.

Effective budgeting will help you create content that resonates with your audience and optimize it for high search visibility, bringing quality leads. Additionally, incorporating digital advertising strategies such as targeted PPC campaigns and social media ads can further enhance your reach and ROI. A top-tier digital marketing agency will always be transparent with budgets and help you achieve these goals.

Measure and optimize your law firm marketing ROI for tangible results – Get the most out of your marketing efforts!

Why Do Lawyers Need Digital Marketing?

An effective attorney digital marketing strategy allows your law firm to trace its client acquisition to its first digital touchpoint with your business. Called attribution modeling, this data gathering, research, and report process lets you understand how clients search and hire your services. Being equipped with this knowledge helps you to make informed marketing decisions related to law firm marketing budget and strategy.

Aberdeen Group discovered companies with aligned marketing and sales achieve a 20% annual growth rate. Improving your clients’ journey through the buying cycle by using digital technology and marketing tactics reflects positivity on your business’ ROI.

How Can Online Marketing for Law Firms Get More Leads and Sales?

law firm marketing benefits

You can’t rely on word-of-mouth alone if you’re starting out or rebranding. That’s where digital marketing helps build brand awareness. The real kicker is it’s a more cost-effective means of advertising with innumerable benefits like:

Benefits How it Helps Your Law Firm
Increased Visibility Digital marketing enhances brand visibility, making your business more discoverable to potential customers and clients. Through various online channels, you can reach a broader audience and increase your brand’s exposure.
Targeted Reach By tailoring your campaigns to reach the right audience, you can maximize the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and connect with individuals who are most likely to be interested in your products or services.
Higher Engagement Engaging content, social media interactions, and personalized communication foster stronger connections with your audience. This higher level of engagement can lead to increased brand loyalty and advocacy.
Measurable Results You can analyze data from various platforms and campaigns to evaluate their performance. This data-driven approach enables you to make informed decisions and optimize your marketing strategies for better outcomes.
More Sales and Leads Ultimately, the ultimate goal of any marketing effort is to drive sales and generate leads. Digital marketing’s targeted approach and ability to reach the right audience can lead to a higher conversion rate, resulting in increased sales and a steady flow of potential leads for your business.

A full-service digital marketing agency like Comrade can set you up for long-term business success. We’ve achieved a 651% increase in client inquiries for some of our clients. As a legal marketing law firm with an accomplished track record, we can devise a tailored law firm digital marketing strategy for all practices of law, including family lawyers and criminal defense attorneys.

Law Firm Marketing Brings in Proven Results [Real Example]

Welcome to the world of digital law firm marketing! This is a highly competitive field for any lawyer niche. For example, the personal injury law niche: in Central LA alone, a staggering 220 million websites vie for the top spot in search results. Navigating this crowded landscape is no easy feat, but the rewards are well worth the effort for those who manage to succeed!

personal injury lawyer search results

The good news is that Comrade can help you with that! We know the value of high visibility and can ensure high search positions for you. If your objective is to expand your legal practice and help people, then obtaining professional assistance is a must to achieve that goal. take a look at the results our partners at Stracci Law Group managed to achieve with our help.

  • Area: Personal Injury
  • GEO: Indiana
  • Current Result: #3 for dui attorney

dui attorney search results

We specialize in law firm’s digital marketing in highly competitive markets, ensuring you rank for the most coveted keywords. With our expertise, your digital presence will soar, connecting you with the clients who need your expertise the most. Let’s embark on this journey together and take your legal practice to new heights.

Find out how to attract clients as a lawyer and boost your firm’s success – read our latest blog post now!

Common Law Firm Web Marketing Mistakes

When you run a business you can’t avoid all mistakes, but you should do you best to not make the common, but big ones. They’re not just big because of how much money they waste, they’re big because they end up costing law firms dozens and hundreds of potential clients, resulting in millions and millions of dollars opportunity cost each year. 2017 Department of Labor Statistics research showed the median income of only $119,000 a year for lawyers in the U.S. Across the board. Yet, there are those high-earners who make a million or more, and people always wonder how much money do lawyers make? What’s the core difference? High-earners do not make these common mistakes.

Mistake What Lawyers Lose Solution
Not Establishing Strong Online Presence Potential clients relying on search engines may be lost, resulting in reduced visibility and inquiries. Implement effective SEO strategies to improve online visibility and rankings on search engines like Google.
Inadequate Marketing Budget Insufficient investment (less than 3% of expected revenue) may hinder achieving financial goals, leading to decreased competitiveness. Allocate a substantial portion (6-10% of expected revenue) for marketing efforts. Consult experienced digital marketing experts.
Underperforming Receptionist Missed appointments and negative first impressions can lead to revenue loss and missed opportunities. Set performance standards, use call recording services, and consider coaching or hiring a skilled receptionist to improve client interactions.
Failure to Differentiate from Competitors Lack of a compelling unique selling proposition may result in lost client conversions and opportunities. Define a unique value proposition, consistently deliver on promises, and communicate the distinct value offered to stand out in the market.

Can Lawyers Do Their Own Marketing?

law firm digital marketing

While lawyers can attempt to handle their own marketing, partnering with a reputable digital marketing agency offers distinct advantages. Digital marketing is a specialized and constantly evolving field, and enlisting the expertise of professionals can yield more effective results. A digital marketing agency can tailor strategies to suit the unique needs of a law firm, ensuring a strong online presence and targeted campaigns that reach the right audience.

This partnership allows lawyers to focus on their legal expertise while leaving the complexities of marketing to experienced professionals. By working with a digital marketing agency, lawyers can optimize their efforts, enhance brand awareness, and generate a consistent stream of valuable leads, ultimately propelling their practice to new heights in the competitive digital landscape.

How To Do Law Firm Marketing on Your Own?

If you’ve reached a marketing plateau, or are uncertain about hiring a lawyer internet marketing agency, ask yourself the following:

  • Has your firm experienced a decline in online leads?
  • Has your firm’s website been updated in the last two years?
  • Has your firm grown? Do you need to build its online reputation?
  • Have you run out of time to execute proper marketing strategies?
  • Do you need to level up your law firm marketing plan but lack expertise?

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, you should seriously consider outsourcing your marketing work. Digital marketing has many moving parts, but remember, if you’re tight on budget, you don’t have to implement everything at once. You can start with a website redesign and basic SEO package and grow your law practice from there.


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Understanding the essential elements of digital strategy can help you improve your presence online, content creation, and ultimately capture more leads. Many lawyers already use the power of digital marketing to stand out from their competition. If you feel it’s time to up your game and hire the experts, then call us at (312) 265-0580 or click here to learn how we’ll develop your digital marketing strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • In what cities do you work?

    Comrade originates in Chicago, but we worked all around the United States. As a Chicago marketing agecny, we can help your business grow and increase revenue whenever you are. We have offices across most major cities in the US. For example, we can offer digital marketing services in New Orleans or Minneapolis. You can even find our internet marketing experts in Washington D.C.! If you want to know more about our Cleveland digital marketing agency or find out how exactly we can help you, contact us via the phone or email.

  • Do law firms need digital marketing?

    Law firms must prioritize investing in digital marketing as much as e-commerce stores do. Numerous potential clients are actively searching for legal advice by typing their queries into search engines like Google, and it is essential for law firms to provide relevant answers on their websites. This is merely the beginning of the opportunities that lie ahead.

  • What does marketing do for a law firm?

    Legal marketing offers a straightforward advantage: it expands your client roster and boosts your firm’s revenue. Implementing a carefully tailored marketing strategy will generate qualified leads who are actively seeking the services your law firm provides. By nurturing these leads, you have the opportunity to convert them into valuable clients.

  • Do lawyers need a marketing agency?

    Determining whether to handle your law firm’s digital marketing internally or enlist the help of an agency depends on your personal inclination and expertise in digital marketing channels.

    If your primary focus is practicing law, it is logical to hire an agency. However, if you possess the time and enthusiasm to dedicate several hours each week, you may achieve some success by independently marketing your law firm online.

About the Author

Stan co-founded Comrade Digital Marketing and serves as its marketing strategist and IT expert recruiter.
More Stan's articles
Stan Bogdashin

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