ChatGPT for Lawyers: 2024 Guide with Example Prompts

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By Ivan Vislavskiy

Ivan Vislavskiy is Comrade Digital Marketing’s co-founder and fearless leader, spearheading the agency’s production department.
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Law firms are constantly looking for ways to improve efficiency, streamline processes, and provide better services to their clients. One tool that has been gaining attention in recent months is ChatGPT, a type of artificial intelligence designed to simulate human-like conversations. In a profession where time is literally money, ChatGPT offers a way to work smarter, not harder. 

The idea behind using ChatGPT is to streamline tasks that would originally take up too much of your time. A recent survey found that 54% of in-house lawyers believe generative AI technology can help with legal matters. In addition, 11% of corporate counsel are already using or planning to use ChatGPT, compared to just 5% of private practice lawyers. 

To help you optimize your law practice, our experts at Comrade Digital Marketing will dive into what ChatGPT for lawyers is, how it can be used, and provide you with practical steps to craft effective prompts. We’ll also address the limitations and ethical considerations because in law, these are crucial. And for those wondering if ChatGPT will replace lawyers, we’ll tackle that question head-on.

What Is ChatGPT for Attorneys

ChatGPT for lawyers is an AI-powered chatbot designed to assist legal professionals in various aspects of their work. It’s a large language model trained on vast amounts of text data, including legal documents and literature. This enables it to understand and generate human-like text responses to prompts related to legal tasks and queries.

Furthermore, ChatGPT can offer valuable insights and alternative perspectives that you might not have considered. The beauty of ChatGPT for lawyers lies in its versatility. It can be used for tasks ranging from generating first drafts of contracts to summarizing complex legal precedents. 

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How Can Lawyers Use ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a versatile tool that can be applied to various aspects of the legal field. Let’s explore some key areas where it can make a significant impact on your legal practice.

Draft and Review Legal Documents

ChatGPT for legal documents can be a game-changer in document review and contract drafting. It can generate initial drafts of various legal documents, from contracts to briefs, saving you valuable time. While it’s crucial to review and refine the AI-generated content, having a solid first draft can significantly speed up the process.

For instance, you could use ChatGPT to create a template for a standard demand letter, which you can then customize for specific cases. This not only saves time but also ensures consistency in your firm’s communications.

Summarize Complex Regulations and Cases

When faced with lengthy documents or complex regulations, ChatGPT can provide concise summaries. This is particularly useful when you need to quickly grasp the key points of a new piece of legislation or a lengthy court decision.

You could ask ChatGPT to summarize the main provisions of a new data protection law, for example. While you’d still need to verify the accuracy, it provides a starting point for deeper analysis.

Conduct Legal Research

While ChatGPT isn’t a substitute for comprehensive legal databases, it can be a valuable tool in the initial stages of legal research. It can help identify relevant legal precedents, statutes, or regulations related to a specific legal issue.

ChatGPT can also help you explore different angles of a legal issue.

By asking it to consider various perspectives or hypothetical scenarios, you can broaden your understanding of a case or legal concept.

This can be particularly useful when developing your case strategy or preparing for potential arguments from opposing counsel. And while looking at these different perspectives would normally take a great deal of time and effort, ChatGPT can analyze it in just a few moments.

Optimize Client Communication

Effective communication is key in the legal profession and ChatGPT can help you enhance your client interactions.

You can use it to draft initial responses to client inquiries, ensuring you address their concerns comprehensively and professionally.

ChatGPT can help draft client emails, letters, and other forms of communication, ensuring clarity and professionalism. You can use it to explain complex legal concepts in simpler terms, making your communications more accessible to clients who may not have a legal background.

Moreover, lawyers can use ChatGPT to help design and draft client intake forms, ensuring all necessary information is captured efficiently. This can streamline your onboarding process and help you gather the information you need right from the start.

Generate Content

ChatGPT can be a valuable ally in creating content for your firm’s digital platforms. You can use it to generate ideas for blog posts, create drafts of articles on legal topics, or even craft engaging social media content.

Lawyers can leverage ChatGPT to draft social media posts, promote their legal services, and engage with a broader audience.

It can help you maintain a consistent online presence without taking too much time away from your core legal work.

ChatGPT can also be used to generate responses to common client queries, enhancing client support and engagement. This can be particularly useful for creating FAQs for your website or preparing responses to frequently asked questions in your practice area.

7 Steps to Crafting Effective ChatGPT Prompts with Examples

Crafting effective prompts is key to getting the most out of ChatGPT. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create ChatGPT prompts for lawyers that yield the best results.

1. Define Your Goal

The first step in crafting an effective prompt is to clearly define what you want to achieve. This clarity is essential for many lawyers who are new to using AI tools in their practice. Are you looking for a summary of relevant case law, a draft of a demand letter, or specific information to support your legal argument? When defining your law firm goal, consider how the output will fit into your broader legal strategy.

Example: “Draft an initial outline for a cease and desist letter regarding trademark infringement.”

2. Include Relevant Context

Provide necessary background information to help ChatGPT understand the context of your request. This could include details about the legal case, relevant laws, or specific requirements. The more context you provide, the more tailored and accurate the response will be.

Remember that ChatGPT doesn’t have access to your law firm’s specific cases or confidential information, so you’ll need to provide enough context without breaching client confidentiality.

Example: “Summarize the key points of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) as it applies to e-commerce businesses.”

3. Ask for Structured Responses

If you need information in a specific format, don’t hesitate to ask for it. ChatGPT can provide responses in various structures like bullet points, numbered lists, or paragraphs. This flexibility can be particularly useful when you’re working on different types of legal documents or presentations.

Example: “Provide a bullet-point list of the main elements required for a valid contract under New York state law.”

4. Use Examples in Your Prompt

Including examples in your prompt can guide ChatGPT towards the type of response you’re looking for. This technique can be particularly effective when dealing with specific legal scenarios or when you need to generate creative legal arguments.

Example: “Generate three potential counterarguments to the following claim in a personal injury case: ‘The defendant was not negligent because they followed all safety protocols.’ Provide examples of similar successful arguments from past cases if possible.”

5. Specify the Length or Depth of the Response

If you have a specific length in mind for the response, mention it in your prompt. This helps ensure you get the level of detail you need. As a legal professional, you often need to balance comprehensive analysis with concise communication, depending on your audience and the purpose of the document.

Example: “Write a 500-word summary of the key provisions in the Americans with Disabilities Act relevant to workplace accommodations.”

6. Set the Tone or Style

Specify the tone or style you want for the response. This is particularly useful when drafting communications or content for different audiences. As a human lawyer, you understand the importance of adapting your communication style to suit different clients and legal contexts, and you can prompt ChatGPT to do the same.

Example: “Draft a professional yet empathetic response to a client who is facing foreclosure. The tone should be supportive but also clear about the legal realities.”

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7. Test and Refine Your Prompts

The key to mastering law ChatGPT prompts is practice and refinement. Don’t be afraid to iterate on your prompts if the initial response doesn’t meet your needs. You can ask for more details, clarifications, or a different approach. Don’t be afraid to iterate. This process of refinement is similar to the iterative nature of legal research and drafting legal documents.

As you become more familiar with ChatGPT, you’ll develop a better sense of how to phrase your prompts for optimal results. This skill in crafting natural language prompts can significantly enhance your efficiency in using AI tools for legal work.


  • Initial prompt – “Explain force majeure clauses.” 

  • Refined prompt – “Explain force majeure clauses in the context of commercial lease agreements, including common elements and recent case law interpretations in California.”

What Are Limitations of ChatGPT for Lawyers

While ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for law firms, it’s essential to understand its limitations. Law firms need to be aware of the potential pitfalls of relying on ChatGPT, especially when it comes to complex legal matters in the ever-changing legal industry.

Here are some key limitations to consider:

  • Lack of legal expertise: ChatGPT is a language model, not a licensed attorney. It doesn’t have the nuanced understanding of law that comes from years of study and practice.

  • Ethical concerns: Using AI in legal practice raises questions about confidentiality, responsibility, and the unauthorized practice of law. Always consider the ethical implications of using AI-generated content in your work.

  • Inability to interpret nuances: ChatGPT may miss subtle legal distinctions or context-specific interpretations that are second nature to experienced attorneys.

  • Limited understanding of jurisdictional differences: Laws vary by jurisdiction, and ChatGPT may not always account for these differences accurately.

  • Potential for inaccurate information: While ChatGPT is trained on vast amounts of data, it can sometimes produce incorrect or outdated information. Always verify any information you receive from ChatGPT.

Will ChatGPT Replace Lawyers

The short answer is no, ChatGPT will not replace lawyers. While ChatGPT and similar AI tools for lawyers can significantly enhance efficiency and productivity in legal practice, they cannot replicate the critical thinking, ethical judgment, and emotional intelligence that human lawyers bring to the table.

Legal professionals offer more than just information retrieval and document drafting. They provide strategic advice, navigate complex ethical dilemmas, and advocate for their clients in ways that AI simply cannot. The legal profession requires a deep understanding of human behavior and societal norms and the ability to interpret and apply the law in nuanced ways is beyond the capabilities of current AI technology.

Instead of replacing lawyers, ChatGPT and similar technologies are more likely to automate legal tasks that are repetitive or time-consuming, allowing lawyers to focus on higher-value activities that require human insight and expertise. 


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Work Smarter with ChatGPT for Law Firms

Now that we all understand the role ChatGPT can play for lawyers, it’s clear that this AI assistant presents a powerful opportunity to enhance efficiency and productivity in legal practice. However, it’s crucial to approach this technology with a balanced perspective. While ChatGPT can be a powerful ally in your legal toolkit, it’s not a magic solution to all challenges in the legal field. It requires thoughtful application, constant oversight, and a clear understanding of its limitations.

Attorneys must also focus on core competencies like client relationships, legal knowledge, and industry expertise. To do so, it’s important for law firms to partner with experts in digital outreach. That’s where Comrade Digital Marketing can help. With a host of knowledge on the most effective digital strategies for lawyers, plus key knowledge on the best, most ethical practices for the use of ChatGPT, our experts make a wonderful partner as you look to grow your business.

Contact us to learn how our services could support your practice in extending your online reach.

About the Author

Ivan Vislavskiy is Comrade Digital Marketing’s co-founder and fearless leader, spearheading the agency’s production department.
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