The Definitive Checklist for Immigration Attorney Marketing

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Stan Bogdashin

By Stan Bogdashin

Stan co-founded Comrade Digital Marketing and serves as its marketing strategist and IT expert recruiter.
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How to Get More Immigration Clients? With Marketing of Course!

65% of law firms spend most of their marketing budget online, and for good reason! Most of this goes towards the development of a mobile-friendly website and content marketing plan designed to attract and convert immigration lawyer leads into paying clients.

The appropriate digital marketing strategy for immigration attorneys eliminates the stress of finding new clients, ultimately allowing you and your skilled team of lawyers to focus on what you do best: practicing immigration law.

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How Digital Marketing Benefits Immigration Law Firms

Digital marketing, which includes website design, leads to better search engine rankings, more leaders, higher conversions, sales, and ultimately new clients. It generates positive brand awareness that isn’t possible with traditional immigration law marketing techniques like newspaper ads or yellow pages.

When we speak about digital marketing for law firms, we’re referring to digital advertising, content creation, and search engine optimization designed to enhance your digital presence, so it targets appropriate clients. Legal marketing will help you maintain a competitive edge and thrive in today’s digitally connected world.

The legal field is highly competitive, even in niche service areas, so you need a strong strategy. Ranking high in search engine results is one of the best ways to draw in new visitors, and it delivers incredible ROI.

For example, Moz, website analytics and SEO software company, has a search engine optimization guide that has been online for over five years and received more than three million views.

This illustrates two things: Firstly, digital marketing for immigration lawyers is a long-term and ongoing practice, and secondly, once you start ranking online, it’s much easier to improve your position and traffic, so long as you perform regular tweaks.

While immigration lawyer marketing does take effort, it is well worth it, and you don’t even have to do it yourself. You can simply hire a professional legal marketing agency with a good track record of proven results, like us!

Meanwhile, let’s take a look at the basics required to get your immigration legal services successfully up and running online.

immigration lawyer website
Portfolio: Hoffenden Law
1/5 step

1. High-Performance Website for Immigration Law Firms

A robust website is a prerequisite for all law firms, as most clients will research online for potential immigration law firms before reaching out. Your website design influences 94% of visitors’ first impressions.

Therefore, it’s crucial you spend time and resources creating an immigration law firm website site that best reflects your ethos and brand. Only then should you focus on developing an immigration law firm marketing strategy.

Your website is a unique opportunity to connect with potential clients, help them understand your services, and ultimately hire you for the job. Think of it as the equivalent of your firm’s entrance, positioned on a busy street with lots of foot traffic rushing by. To stand out, you have to have a good marketing strategy for immigration lawyers.

Your website should list and explain your sources, introduce the team behind the practice, and be designed in a way that helps consumers get the information they need before deciding to hire your firm. This is often done by sharing valuable content marketing resources that explain common immigration issues and how your immigration firm can help solve them.

More than that, your site must also be mobile-friendly. Over half of the world’s internet users conduct searches via their smartphones. Hence, your legal services’ website must be designed to work effectively on tablets, laptops, and smartphones. This ensures that regardless of the device prospective clients use, they’ll always be able to find your law firm online.

Maximize your legal practice’s reach and client base by learning how to create the best lawyer website. Dive into our guide here.


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Trustworthy Web Design

Your website design impacts how a potential client feels about interacting with your firm. If your design is clunky, outdated, and difficult to navigate, you’ll likely turn away perfectly valid immigration lawyer leads.

At a bare minimum, the right web design for lawyers should feature the following aspects:


When’s the last time you bought an item or used a company without reading reviews first? You’re not alone! Nearly nine out of 10 customers read reviews before purchasing online. Trust is one of the most important factors that clients look for when deciding which law firm to choose.

It is even more important in the legal services’ industry because prospective clients often do not have the legal expertise to truly assess how credible or good an immigration law practice is. With stiff competition for immigration lawyers, it’s essential to use your website to display testimonials from happy clients.

Encourage clients to write a review recapping their positive experience with your firm. The more 5-star reviews, the more confident potential clients will feel when hiring you for the job. Plus, these testimonials can be pushed out on your social media channels to spread word of mouth about how easy and stress-free it is to work with your legal team.

Additionally, while there are many factors that affect search engine ranking, positive customer reviews do send a strong signal to search engines that communicates trustworthiness and website authority, helping firms rank higher.

immigration attorney testimonial
Positive reviews build trust, attract customers, and improve the reputation and search rankings of a business


Help your website visitors understand the full scope of your services through built-out service pages. These pages are a great way to highlight your areas of expertise and let visitors understand if you’d be the appropriate law firm for their immigration law case.

Consider addressing a handful of frequently asked questions at the bottom of each service page to help potential clients understand their case’s specifics. Not only do FAQs improve a client’s experience of your website, but they also improve search engine rankings.

Search engine optimization is built around providing users with answers to questions they search for online. For instance, if you’ve conducted keyword research and know many clients ask, “Is it worth it is using immigration lawyers?” then you should include this exact phrase and answer the question on your website. In theory, this means your website will rank when users type in this question.

Remember, your site’s language should also be easy to understand. Avoid using too much legal jargon that might be confusing to potential clients, as there’s a big chance English may not be their first language. It must be simple enough for ordinary people to understand.

About Section

Ensure your website features a page or section dedicated to telling your audience about your team’s background and qualifications. Adding a human element lets your audience connect with you in a way that your service pages can’t.

Legal services can appear intimidating to potential clients, so including a human face will make your immigration law firm appear more approachable. Moreover, sharing case studies from successful cases can bolster potential client trust and confidence.

2/5 step

2. Determine a Marketing Plan for Your Immigration Law Firm

Now that you have an established, organized and functional website, you’ll want to focus on establishing a sound law firm marketing strategy. One way to do this is by developing marketing KPIs or key performance indicators.

KPIs are an integral part of a digital marketing strategy for immigration lawyers because they keep your business’s goals at the forefront of your operations. They determine if you’re meeting your business objectives and keep your marketing efforts on track.

Common examples of marketing KPIs for law firms include:

  • Landing page conversions
  • Marketing cost-per-click
  • The cost of acquiring new clients
  • Website traffic
  • Email marketing performance
  • Return on ad spend
  • Social media engagement

While there are many more KPIs to choose from, it’s important to track the metrics that reflect whether you’re achieving your marketing campaign aims. KPIs aren’t set in stone. Regular reviews ensure they’re still relevant to your business, and if not, you should adjust accordingly. KPIs can be measured weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly, depending on your goals.

Let Comrade Digital Marketing Agency create a high-performance digital marketing strategy. Schedule a free consultation.

3/5 step

3. Set Up an SEO for Immigration Lawyers

SEO also referred to as search engine optimization, is one of the most important digital marketing strategies to help your law firm stay relevant on Google searches.

How to Do Immigration Lawyer SEO?

The underlying principle of immigratiom attorney SEO is simple: maximize your website’s online presence to generate immigration lawyer leads. Examples of strategies that can boost SEO include on- and off-page optimizations, content creation, a fast page loading speed, optimized images, an updated blog section, and outbound links.

The higher your website ranks on Google’s search engine results page, the higher the chances that potential immigration clients click on your site. The top result that shows up on Google has a 33 percent chance of being clicked. The appropriate SEO strategy can help improve your chances of appearing on Google’s first page of results.

SEO for immigration lawyers
The three best-optimized websites may be placed between local directories or other aggregators

Make Your Website Easy to Navigate

A thoughtful, strategically organized menu is integral to your firm’s online presence. It’s easy to overlook this part of your website, but put yourself in the shoes of someone seeking another professional service. If you can’t quickly and easily find the information you need, you’ll likely lose patience and move to a different company.

Not only does a well-organized website help keep clients happy, but it is beneficial for SEO for immigration attorneys. If a search engine can easily crawl your site and pick out the most valuable pieces of information, there are higher chances that your site will rank better on Google.

Keep navigation headers findable across the top of your site, and make calls-to-action as clear as possible. When someone searches for legal information, the content they find determines their next step.

You can use your website to guide users to valuable pages to help them ultimately make a conversion. As a rule of thumb, every page should encourage visitors to do something, whether it’s calling, scheduling an appointment, or learning more about your services.

Comrade case study

Provide Helpful Content

Through well-written, informative and factual content, you can show off your expertise and create more shareable links that lead back to your site. The goal of content marketing is to increase brand awareness, establish expertise and thought leadership, create an online community, generate immigration lawyer leads and procure high-quality clients.

The type of content you publish varies depending on your target audience’s needs and goals. Your online marketing content should include researched keywords that represent what your potential clients are searching for. Including these phrases is an effective way to connect to your audience.

Remember, content refers to service pages, blogs, informative videos and photos that bring your company to life. Educating potential clients about your immigration law firm through strong visuals and valuable content allows you to connect with them in a meaningful way.

Learn the best attorney marketing tips to attract more clients and grow your business. Click here to read our blog post!

immigration attorney blog posts
Think of possible questions your potential clients may ask and reveal the answers in your articles

Keep Clients Informed

Timely content updates to your website prove your firm is a helpful resource for those seeking an answer. Any time there is a change or an update to immigration, visas, or other relevant areas to your firm, capitalize on this opportunity.

It’s important to push out these updates directly after an announcement is made. Waiting weeks or even months to touch on these updates could result in lost conversions for your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is it legal for immigration attorneys to advertise in the US?

    Lawyer advertisement is legal in the US, although it is subject to state bar association ethics guidelines. Ads on television and in newspapers, email marketing, law firm blogs, digital marketing, and social media business pages are all popular types of lawyer advertising.

  • I have many referrals as clients. Should I additionally market my immigration law firm online?

    It makes no difference how many referrals your law firm has. When looking for a product or service, people are more likely to turn to Google nowadays than the phone book. That is why you should make it as simple as possible for prospective clients to locate you. You should aggressively promote your law firm online to achieve this goal.

  • How do I make my immigration law firm stand out?

    The legal world is very competitive. It’s hard to stand out when every law firm offers the same services. Launching a digital marketing strategy that will make your law firm more visible, effective, and customer-oriented is one of the most successful ways to promote your law firm.

  • In what cities do you work?

    Comrade originates in Chicago, but we worked all around the United States. We can help your business grow and increase revenue whenever you are. We have offices across most major cities in the US. For example, we can offer digital marketing services in Kansas City or Portland. You can even find our internet marketing experts in San Antonio! If you want to know more about our Chicago digital marketing agency or find out how exactly we can help you, contact us via the phone or email.

About the Author

Stan co-founded Comrade Digital Marketing and serves as its marketing strategist and IT expert recruiter.
More Stan's articles
Stan Bogdashin

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